5 Unique Winter Gender Reveal Ideas


Baby, it’s cold outside, but that shouldn’t keep you from having a colorful and memorable gender reveal this winter. While winter often brings unpredictable weather, don’t let a little snow get in the way of your special announcement! And while it may be a blustering blizzard for some of you, we also know there are a few of you sipping piñas (virgin, of course) on the beach this winter. (We’re looking at you, quite enviously, California Mommies.) Most of our ideas are adaptable to any environment with a few adjustments, so get creative in making these ideas your own. Here are five winter-themed gender reveal chalk ideas that will be perfect for your family.

Letter Board Snow Sign

 Gender reveals with letter boards are all the rage right now. The idea doesn’t have to stop just because it’s cold outside! To capture this same look,  you’ll need to order some blue or pink color powder. If you want to be unique, you can even order teal or purple instead. You’ll also need a letter board, if you don’t have one already.

Pick a location with some undisturbed snow, and color the snow with the corresponding color of the baby being revealed. Write your announcement on a letter board or a chalkboard. Tip: Before placing the board in the snow, place a folded-up towel in the location where you will place the board. This will prevent the board from being wet or stained. Don’t worry, you won’t be able to tell from the picture! 

Get creative with this announcement and make it your own. Add pictures from your ultrasound, a baby onesie, shoes, a bow, hat, or a little toy. 

Snowman Surprise

If you’re looking for ideas for a sibling reveal, this is it! Including the older siblings in the gender reveal is an easy way to begin forming a bond with the new family addition. Give someone you trust the gender reveal envelope and have them order the corresponding pink or blue blackout bags

Yes, we wanna build a snowman, so it’s time to enlist the whole family in the snowiest gender reveal you’ve seen yet! Once your family builds the snowman, set up the tripod for your phone or camera, and hit record. Give everyone a blackout bag with a small hole cut out of the top. Count to three and dump the color powder all over the white snowman. The white snow will be painted in the color powder, revealing the gender of the little brother or sister. 

If you don’t live in a region where snow is prevalent in the winter months, consider making a sandman at the beach! This will be the envy of all your family and friends stuck in the cold wet snow. The color powder will look great on your golden sand creation, too! 

Winter Explosion 

Fresh white powder outside is the perfect canvas for a color powder explosion. The Chameleon Colors Gender Reveal Box will do the job in a colorful fashion. You’ll want to have someone you trust order – and prepare* – the box if it’s a surprise. If your party is a surprise reveal, consider having a friend prep the box, since it will involve seeing the color of the colored chalk powder inside. You will need scissors, tape, and an air source.

Once the box is all set up (and you’ve followed the instructions accordingly), make sure your camera is ready, pose in front of the box, and hit the power button on whatever air source you’ve selected. Make sure to film as the vivid color powder explodes into the air, dusting everything in either pink or blue

*Please note that there is some assembly required with this kit, and you will likely need to have access to power for a shop vac, or you

can also use a leaf blower to shoot out the powder.

A Little Snow Angel 

This idea could work as a cute pregnancy announcement, social media post, gender reveal, or family Christmas card, regardless of if your family is just starting out or if you have an entire caravan trailing alongside you. For this idea, you can do it in your backyard, visit a nearby park, or take the family on a road trip to the mountains. 

Find a large patch of relatively undisturbed snow and line everyone up from oldest to youngest. Be sure to leave enough space in between each person that the snow angels won’t intersect. Instruct everyone to gently sit in the snow first before starting to make a snow angel. Kick your legs from side to side while flapping your arms up and down to create beautiful snow angels. (They don’t need to look perfect!) 

Using your fists, create a small baby snow angel indentation at the end of the family line to announce the upcoming arrival of the new addition. Announce your baby’s gender – and make it colorful – by pouring pink or blue color powder into the snow angel indentation. 

Make sure to take a picture to capture the moment! If you’re going to upload it to your favorite social media channel, make sure to use the correct photo ratios: Instagram pictures and Instagram profile pictures are 1080 x 1080 pixels, and Facebook banners are 1640 x 924 pixels.  If necessary, you can clean up the picture in your favorite photo app. Alternatively, you can take individual pictures of the snow angels and stitch them together into one cohesive picture. 

For a fun twist, consider uniquely decorating everyone’s snow angel with this fun Snow Paint Kit. This is the perfect idea if you already have some children. They can help add hair, glasses, eyes, or clothes to customize each snow angel – including the baby’s! 

Blast the Cold Away

Regardless of where in the United States you might live, you can blast the dreary winter weather away with these super cool, super colorful, Gender Reveal Color Blasters. You can decide how many gender reveal blasters you want, and if you want all pink, all blue, or one of each. The vivid chalk powder bursting into the air is perfect for any photography, videography, or social media posts you have planned. Contrasted with the pure white of the snow, any pictures or videos you have will be beautiful. 

All you need to do is order the blasters, or have a friend order if you want it to remain a surprise*. Once your package has arrived, take the blasters out of the box. If the gender reveal is a surprise, have a friend remove the colored identifier sticker from the bottom of the blaster. Take a blaster for yourself and for anyone else included in the big reveal walk into the frame, pull the metal pin from the blaster handle, and squeeze! A brilliant spray of colorful pink or blue powder will explode from the color blaster, indicating your little one’s gender! 

The gender reveal color blasters are so easy to handle that even kids will enjoy squeezing them and seeing the colorful explosion. Color Blasters take 6 - 8 days to ship and can only be shipped within the continental U.S., so please plan accordingly.